En afstivningsmadras er med til at give slyngevuggen en mere fast bund, på samme måde som en almindelig seng. Den giver baby plads til mere bevægelighed generelt, hvilket også kan have en positiv indvirkning på et fladt eller skævt baghoved. Samtidig kan den lille strække sig samtidig med, at vuggen stadig er en hyggelig babyhule. Se vores udvalg af slyngevugger med tilbehør her.
Størrelse: 84 cm x 29 cm x 2 cm
Product details
The mattress can be placed under the hammock’s primary mattress. This helps to provide more space in the cradle for your baby as well as better movement for your baby's neck.
The mattress brace is made of coconut fibre surrounded by an organic cotton cover.
We recommend using the mattress stiffener from the age of three months or when your baby can hold their head up. In the beginning, supervision is necessary, as your baby may roll around on their stomach and have difficulty lifting their face from the mattress, especially if they cannot yet hold their head up.