Guide to your baby's teeth

Guide to your baby's teeth

It's a big deal when a baby gets its first teeth, but teething often causes some complications in connection with appetite, lack of sleep and the pain that baby teeth bring. In addition, there are also new things to decide on, such as choice of toothbrush, toothpaste, dentist and eating habits.

There are a lot of things that you suddenly have to take into account, and maybe you haven't thought of them all, which is perfectly okay.

That's what this guide should help with. In this guide, we have collected the answers to a lot of questions that may arise with the first baby teeth. When do babies get teeth? How long does it hurt? And do you really have to give them painkillers like Panodil?


When does baby get teeth?

Most babies will start getting baby teeth when they are around 6 months old. However, there are some who will already start teething when they are about 2 months old, and some will only get baby teeth when they are 12 months old or maybe over. When your baby starts teething doesn't matter. By the time babies are 20-30 months old, most will have their last baby teeth.

As soon as the tip of the first tooth appears, you should start brushing the baby's teeth. Oral hygiene and toothbrushing habits are important throughout life, and it is therefore important to start early on. Tooth brushing should even preferably start before the first tooth is out. You can start by giving your baby a baby toothbrush to hold and stick in their mouth when they are on the changing table.

When the baby gets the first tooth, the toothbrush will already be familiar, and it will be easier to brush the baby's tooth/teeth. Babies can be difficult to brush their teeth. If the baby is not familiar with brushing their teeth, they may grumble or make it difficult in other ways, e.g. by biting together.


How to take care of baby teeth?

It is important to take care of the baby teeth, even though they are replaced from around the age of 5 until the child is 13. Baby teeth are important for babies' ability to chew and speak. They are also important because they hold the space for the adult teeth and thus help to adapt the development of the jaw.

When you start brushing the baby's teeth, you must use a toothbrush that has a small soft brush head with a good grip that the baby can hold on to. Toothpaste should be used in small amounts. A rule of thumb is to use as much as will fit on baby's little finger nail. It is recommended that the toothpaste contains fluoride, as it prevents cavities. The dental care actually also recommends that you use adult toothpaste.

Just like adults, baby teeth need to be brushed on all surfaces. The gum line must also be brushed, so that you get to brush between the teeth as well.

Just like adult teeth, baby teeth need to be brushed twice a day, and you can therefore brush your baby's teeth in conjunction with brushing your own. When you brush your baby's teeth, you can turn them towards a mirror so they can watch. You can also let the baby sit and play with his own toothbrush when you brush your teeth. In this way, you slowly help your child in the development to be able to brush his own teeth. However, it will be several years before they can completely do it themselves.


Order of baby teeth

It is usually the two front teeth in the lower mouth that come first. After this, the two teeth in the upper mouth will appear.

The baby teeth will then erupt from the center outwards, so the molars are the last. When the first tooth has broken through, the rest of the 8 front teeth will often appear within 6 months. This means that many babies will have all 8 front teeth by their 1st birthday.

If your baby's teeth don't come in that order, it doesn't matter. There is no such thing as wrong order. Some babies get the two front teeth in the upper mouth first. Some babies may get canines first. It doesn't matter at all. Your baby will most likely end up with 20 teeth – 10 in the upper mouth and 10 in the lower mouth.


Your child's first dental visit

When baby has got all his baby teeth, they will have their first dental visit. This often happens by the dental care contacting the family when your child is around 1-2 years old. Here, as parents, you get good advice on how to best take care of your teeth.

All babies must have had a dental visit when they are 3 years old, where they must be examined by the dentist. The visits to the dentist in the first years are very important for how the child will feel about visits to the dentist in the future.

If you yourself are afraid of visiting the dentist, it is best to let the other parent or another adult go with you, so that you do not transfer your fear to your child. It is also not wise to promise your child a reward if they do well. This can cause the child to believe that going to the dentist can be dangerous. The best thing is actually just not to make a big deal out of it. 


Pain during teething

When your baby starts teething, it will inevitably hurt. Baby becomes fussier and cries more often. So how long does it last? It actually only hurts the baby when the tooth has broken through the gums. It hurts the most just when the tooth is about to break through. When the tooth has broken through, there will probably be 3-4 days of discomfort because the gum is sore.

Babies will often start to be irritable a few days up to teething. There are various signs that a tooth may be on its way. They are e.g. if baby has red, flushed cheeks, more drooling and red bottom.

They also chew on anything to relieve the itching in their mouth, which makes them more irritable. You can also see directly on the gums that they are swollen. The irritation in the mouth can lead to the child sleeping poorly and having a poor appetite. In some situations, they can also have loose stools. Often you will only know that it is due to the tooth when it erupts in the mouth.

Teething does not in itself make the child sick, and therefore you still need to be aware if the baby gets, for example, fever. In such cases, you should contact your doctor.


Baby's sleep with new teeth

The new baby teeth starting to come in are a big upheaval for your baby. It hurts, as I said, and the teeth itch and irritate. This naturally affects both the daytime hours, but most of all the nighttime hours, when there is nothing else to occupy the baby.

For some, this will result in long awake nights for both you and baby. This is completely normal, but of course it can be annoying if you have just mastered the sleep routine.

Many get through baby teething without major problems, but those who have to experience heartbreaking crying all night need not feel completely helpless.

As with anything else, it can be managed with the right amount of care, love and patience. It is important to show your child that it is okay, even if it hurts. It is just as important to show care as it is to find the right solutions for the pain in the teeth.


Can I give my baby pain medication like Panodil, Paracetamol

It’s completely natural to want to do everything to ensure your baby isn’t in pain. Sleepless nights also take a toll on mom and dad. That’s why you might think about using pain medication. However, this is rarely recommended, as it’s difficult to find the right dosage, and in large amounts, it can be hard on the liver and affect baby’s development.

Local anaesthetic ointments are also rarely recommended because your baby produces more saliva than usual due to the new baby teeth, which can cause them to swallow the ointment.


Alternative to pain medication

If your baby is significantly affected, you can contact your doctor to hear what they recommend and whether pain medication (Panodil, Paracetamol) could be a solution. Before doing so, there are many things you can try, which often relieve the pain.

The most suggested solution is a teething ring. Teething rings come in many different shapes and varieties. You can get teething rings with fabric on the edge, hard teething rings, and soft ones. Many teething rings are also a combination of a toy and a teether. The most important thing is to find a teething ring that your baby’s small hands can hold and put in their mouth. It can also help if you put the teething ring in the fridge before giving it to your baby.

Cold cucumber sticks also work well. You can cut them, chill them, and give them to your baby when needed. They are easy for a baby to hold, and there’s nothing in the cucumber that could harm your baby when they put it in their mouth.

Gum massages can also soothe your baby. You do this by gently sliding your finger along their gums.

It’s better for baby teeth to use the right pacifier instead of letting your baby suck on their thumb, for example. When looking for the right pacifier, make sure it’s short, soft, and has a vent. However, note that children around 18 months should only use a pacifier to fall asleep, as using it otherwise can start to affect their speech development. Children over 36 months should not use a pacifier at all, as it can alter the jaw and the alignment of the permanent teeth.


Baby teeth and appetite

As mentioned earlier, care is important during the period of teething. Babies will also often seek the breast themselves more because it is the safest place they know. It is perfectly okay, but at the same time you must not let breast milk be the only food the child receives. It is therefore about finding a balance between the care and nutrition that the child needs.

When the new baby teeth find their place, the baby's mouth will be sore and irritated. This may mean that some babies will experience a decreased appetite. This applies especially to solid food, as it can be uncomfortable for the gums, which are already very uncomfortable.

If your baby suffers from a reduced appetite, it may be difficult to get food in. Therefore, it can be smart to make a lot of small meals instead of a few large ones. Then you will be able to get more food in overall.


Find the go-to meals

You can also aim to give your baby what you know they like, as they will be more inclined to eat it. Just remember to offer something new along with the usual, so your baby’s diet stays varied. If it’s completely impossible to get your baby to eat, it’s probably okay. The baby won’t be harmed by not eating for a few days, if they are drinking something. If a tooth hurts a lot or the mouth is very sore, it might be a good idea to give your baby some puree. Cold baby puree can also help soothe irritated gums. If your child eats solid foods, you can opt for softer foods like scrambled eggs or banana.

It’s important not to ‘force’ eating by offering sweet things like honey. The same goes for pacifiers and teething rings – they should not be dipped in sweet things, as this can cause cavities in your baby’s teeth. Honey should never be given to a baby under 12 months. It’s also worth mentioning that breast milk is sweet. If you breastfeed very often, it can lead to cavities.

When your baby is around 6 months old, you can switch to using a bottle. Only breast milk or water should be put in the bottle, as juice or drinking yogurt can cause cavities in baby teeth. For small children, you should avoid giving them hard foods like carrots. These are too hard for them to chew, and they might try to swallow large pieces, which could become a choking hazard. Instead, try colourful foods like bell peppers and cucumbers.

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