Does your baby have a tummy ache?

Does your baby have a tummy ache?

As new parents, it’s inevitable that your baby will experience tummy aches. Some babies have stomach discomfort more often than others, and there can be various reasons for this. It can be
difficult for parents to watch their baby cry without being able to communicate with them – you want to do everything you can to ease the problem as quickly as possible.

In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the possible causes of tummy aches, the symptoms you should look out for, and how you can relieve stomach discomfort in babies.

Why does your baby have a tummy ache?

As mentioned, there are many reasons why your baby might have a tummy ache. However, the most common cause is that the intestines aren’t fully developed at birth, which can lead to stomach cramps. Before birth, babies receive nourishment through the umbilical cord,and suddenly they must adjust to a new type of food – either breast milk or formula. This change requires the stomach and intestines to adapt, which can lead to discomfort and crying.
If your baby has a tummy ache and passes a lot of gas, it could indicate that they have trapped wind, another common cause of tummy ache. When breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, your baby may swallow too much air due to improper latching or sucking technique, which can cause trapped wind and stomach discomfort. It’s more common for bottle-fed babies to swallow air than breastfed babies.

Symptoms of tummy aches in babies

Here’s a list of common symptoms that could indicate your baby has a tummy ache:

  • Wind
  • Constipation
  • Vitamin D
  • Colic
  • Food sensitivities or allergies

What can you do to help relieve the problem?

As parents, you want to do everything possible for your baby. If it were possible to take on the pain yourself when your baby’s tummy causes issues, any parent would do so. Luckily, there are various techniques you can try at home to relieve your baby’s tummy ache. If nothing seems to help and the problem persists, we always recommend consulting your family doctor or health visitor so they can thoroughly check your baby.

Tips for infant colic

If your baby experiences tummy pain in the evening or during the night, it could be a sign of colic. In the case of infant colic, babies often cry for hours at a time over several weeks. It can be difficult to determine the exact cause of colic, as there may be multiple factors at play.
Colic isn’t a disease, so there’s no specific treatment. The best thing you can do is arm yourself with patience and try different techniques to soothe the crying. This might include baby massage,burping after feeding, checking the sucking technique, skin-to-skin contact, or swaddling.

Sugar water for pain relief

If your baby has a tummy ache, sugar water might help soothe the discomfort. Be mindful to give it in small amounts and always after meals if your baby is having trouble settling down.
You can make sugar water by dissolving sugar in boiled water and letting it cool. Use one teaspoon of sugar to 100 ml of water. It’s not recommended to give sugar water to babies under six months.

Pause vitamin D or change brands

When your baby is two weeks old, it’s recommended to start supplementing with vitamin D drops. If vitamin D seems to be causing tummy aches, you could try taking a break to see if the discomfort eases. If the tummy problems disappear, consider switching to a different brand. Ask your pharmacist for advice if you suspect vitamin D might be causing discomfort in your baby.

Food sensitivities or allergies

If your baby is formula-fed, it’s possible they may not tolerate the formula well. Try switching to a different brand to see if that helps.

Fluids for constipation

If your baby is struggling to pass stools, they likely have constipation, which can result in tummy ache and crying. To help alleviate the problem, make sure your baby gets enough fluids. If your baby is old enough to eat purees, try offering prune or banana puree – just remember to use a ripe banana.
Tummy massage and reflexology can also be helpful for constipation.

Try baby massage or reflexology

If your baby has a tummy ache, reflexology or baby massage might be the answer. Start by massaging your baby in circular motions around the navel, then gently bend their legs toward the
tummy while making circular movements. Reflexology is a gentle and effective treatment where pressure on specific points of the body stimulates the system. You might want to book a session with a reflexologist who can show you the pressure points to relieve tummy ache.