Sleep Stories

Our articles about better sleep is a collaboration with professionals and parents who all have professional and personal stories and experiences with sleep. We hope that you can find inspiration and benefit from the posts.

Sleep Stories

Natamning og nattesøvn - mange opvågninger

Night Feeding and Nighttime Sleep – Many Awaken...

As a parent of a newborn, you are undoubtedly familiar with interrupted sleep. A newborn needs to be fed at relatively short intervals, even during the night. Even if your...

Night Feeding and Nighttime Sleep – Many Awaken...

As a parent of a newborn, you are undoubtedly familiar with interrupted sleep. A newborn needs to be fed at relatively short intervals, even during the night. Even if your...

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Magisk puttetrick  – af Søvnplejersken, Sine Ditlev Bihlet

Magic cuddling trick - by Sleep Nurse, Sine Dit...

Do you find that your child always wakes up after 20-30-45 minutes? So read along here. At 2-4 months of age, many babies experience a change in sleep. The child...

Magic cuddling trick - by Sleep Nurse, Sine Dit...

Do you find that your child always wakes up after 20-30-45 minutes? So read along here. At 2-4 months of age, many babies experience a change in sleep. The child...

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10 ting du skal pakke til baby til ferien

10 things to pack for baby on holiday

Ahh, it's summer and the summer holidays are just around the corner. You can almost feel that the holiday you've been waiting for is nearly here. This holiday is different...

10 things to pack for baby on holiday

Ahh, it's summer and the summer holidays are just around the corner. You can almost feel that the holiday you've been waiting for is nearly here. This holiday is different...

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SleepStory - Mor til en ulykkelig baby

SleepStory - Mum to an unhappy baby

The thought of being out in the world with an unhappy baby is very uncomfortable. What do people think? Do they judge us because we can't comfort our own baby?...

SleepStory - Mum to an unhappy baby

The thought of being out in the world with an unhappy baby is very uncomfortable. What do people think? Do they judge us because we can't comfort our own baby?...

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[Guide] Sådan laver du et godt putteritual for din baby

[Guide] How to create a good cuddling ritual fo...

What is a cuddling ritual? How do you create a good cuddling ritual for your baby? We'll go through it here, so you can get into a bedtime routine with your...

[Guide] How to create a good cuddling ritual fo...

What is a cuddling ritual? How do you create a good cuddling ritual for your baby? We'll go through it here, so you can get into a bedtime routine with your...

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Søvn som nybagt mor

Sleep as a new parent

Sleep is a basic human need. It is an important factor in our health, just as it also plays a big role in the milk production of the nursing mother...

Sleep as a new parent

Sleep is a basic human need. It is an important factor in our health, just as it also plays a big role in the milk production of the nursing mother...

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Lidt om brugen af slyngevugge og hvorfor det måske er en god løsning for jer.

The use of baby hammocks and why it might be a ...

Perhaps there are some of you who have heard statements such as, "So we didn't need that when our children were babies" or "it requires a lot of equipment to...

The use of baby hammocks and why it might be a ...

Perhaps there are some of you who have heard statements such as, "So we didn't need that when our children were babies" or "it requires a lot of equipment to...

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Julens glæder uden søvnbesvær

The Joy of Christmas without sleep difficulties

Christmas is a fantastic time of year, where we cherish the holiday traditions and spend time with our loved ones.

The Joy of Christmas without sleep difficulties

Christmas is a fantastic time of year, where we cherish the holiday traditions and spend time with our loved ones.

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Din babys sovestillinger!

Your baby's sleeping positions!

If you want to be 100% sure that every night and for every nap you put your baby to sleep in the best and most appropriate positions, you can read...

Your baby's sleeping positions!

If you want to be 100% sure that every night and for every nap you put your baby to sleep in the best and most appropriate positions, you can read...

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Fladt eller skævt baghoved

Flat or crooked back of head

The primary cause of a crooked or flat back of the head is restricted or reduced movement around the neck. There can be various reasons for this. It is recommended...

Flat or crooked back of head

The primary cause of a crooked or flat back of the head is restricted or reduced movement around the neck. There can be various reasons for this. It is recommended...

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Er det en dårlig vane at vugge sin baby?

Is rocking your baby a bad habit?

By Camilla Ejsing, Child Occupational Therapist with +5 years of experience in young children's sensorimotor development. June 2020/@boerneergoen   Cradling your small child... to make him calm down and maybe...

Is rocking your baby a bad habit?

By Camilla Ejsing, Child Occupational Therapist with +5 years of experience in young children's sensorimotor development. June 2020/@boerneergoen   Cradling your small child... to make him calm down and maybe...

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Følg din mavefornemmelse

Follow your gut

The midwife's personal story with her baby who had difficulty sleeping. There is a lot of good, well-intentioned advice about the sleeping patterns of infants and young children. As new...

Follow your gut

The midwife's personal story with her baby who had difficulty sleeping. There is a lot of good, well-intentioned advice about the sleeping patterns of infants and young children. As new...

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Free courses with knowledge about sleep
Powernaps - The guide to establishing your baby's sleep
Insights from experienced sleep advisors
4 modules with video material
E-book included
Dream Start: The guide to establishing your baby's sleep
Insights from experienced sleep advisors
4 modules with video material
E-book included