Sleep schedule: 12 – 18 months

Your toddler is 1 year old, and at this age a lot happens in terms of development and sleep habits. Most children start to walk, start in daycare, and the transition from baby to toddler begins.

You will experience your child going through phases of restless sleep, which is completely normal. During this period, it's typically a good idea to revisit your sleep schedule to adjust your child's sleep habits to best accommodate his/her development.

Please also read: Sleep schedule – explanation and how to get started

Note: All children are different, and therefore, you should always customize the sleep schedule to match your child's needs and your family's daily rhythm. It's not that important whether the child is 12 or 17 months old when adjusting the sleep schedule. However, it is important that aneed exists to make changes for the better.

The transition from baby to toddler begins now

Once you become a parent to a toddler, there's a guarantee of high activity. During this period, most children learn to walk, which makes it possible to explore the world and participate in daily activities in new ways. Even though your child is getting more independent and wants to do things on his/her own, your child still needs to know you are nearby.

As your child approaches 18 months, it's a good idea to have established consistent bedtime routines. Your child is more aware of your presence, and it's not uncommon for him/her to want a say in what happens before bedtime.

It's also at this age bedtime stories and stuffed animals to cuddle with during the night are introduced. This to make sure your child doesn’t miss mom and dad too much.

Sleep schedule: 12-18 months

Below you'll find an example of a sleep schedule for 12-18 months old toddlers.

  • 10:00 am – 11:00 am: Naptime
  • 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm: Naptime
  • 7:30 pm – 6:30 am: Nighttime

1 or 2 naps?

At this age children typically sleep 13.5 hours per day (approx. 11 hours per night). The remaining 2.5 hours in one long nap or split up into two naps during the day. The need for one or two naps during the day varies from child to child. Depending on your child’s needs he/she might be able to skip the morning nap and have a longer nap in the afternoon instead.

However, it's important your child does not sleep longer than until 4 pm, as it might create challenges during the night since your child might not become tired enough before bedtime. If you skip the morning nap, we suggest you put your child down for an afternoon nap at 1 pm.

Remember, you don't have to follow the sleep schedule strictly, but rather consider it as a guideline for how a sleep routine might look, depending on your child.

Other sleep schedules

The sleep schedule follows your child's age and development. Please find an overview of the sleep schedules so far.

Sleep challenges for children between 12-18 months

Children between 12-18 months undergo rapid development, which might affect their sleep patterns. If your child just started daycare a reaction leading to disturbed sleep patterns is common.

During this period, your child may also wake up crying due to dreams. At this point it's important to show your child you are present, as he/she needs to feel you close by during such moments. A stuffed animal or comfort blanket is a fantastic substitute for mom or dad, often calming the child as soon as he/she hugs it.

Children between 12-18 months benefit from consistent bedtime rituals where they feel the love and presence of mom or dad. Your child has likely spent many hours in daycare and a calm and cozy evening with familiar routines sets the stage for a good night's sleep.